Faculty of Economics, MSU offers Master Program 'International Business Management' provided entirely in English.
Find more information about the program here
Applicants should have a Bachelor Degree in any subject area (the total number of ECTS obtained should not be less than 125).
Application period for 2022 Admissions campaign will be announced soon.
Online application will be available at https://webanketa.msu.ru/
To apply for the program applicants should submit the following documents:
- Copy of officially legalized diploma with transcript indicating the subjects studied and marks/grades received. The additional information on documents legalization procedure and the list of countries, with which the Russian Federation have signed international agreements that abolish the legalization procedure, can be found here.
- Translated (into Russian) and notarized copy of the diploma with transcript indicating the subjects studied and marks/grades received.
- When submitting a document (documents) on education issued outside Russia, applicants provide the original or a copy of the certificate of recognition of foreign education issued by the Main State Center for Education Evaluation in Russia (https://www.nic.gov.ru/en/), or apply to Moscow State University with a request for recognition of the received education as education of the appropriate level, allowing to enter the educational programs of Moscow State University (https://recognition.msu.ru/login, the service is already available).
- Photos: a digital photo if applying online, 8 photos (size 3x4, black and white or color, matte) if applying by visiting the Faculty of Economics in person.
- Copy of the passport that will be used to apply for Russian visa. In case there is no spelling of the last name, first name (and patronymic name, if any) in Russian in the passport and the applicant does not need to receive Russian visa to enter the country to apply for the Program, the passport should be translated into Russian and the translation should be notarized.
- Medical certificate with the results of tests for HIV, RW, hepatitus and the results of X-ray examination.
+ Copies of Russian visa (for the period of stay to apply for the program, if any), Russian migration registration and migration card issued upon entry to Russia (in case a foreign applicant is in Russia while applying).
Admissions Committee may also ask applicants to sign the following documents:
- Application form
- Letter of consent to provide a medical certificate of health (including HIV test results) in case of passing the entrance examinations successfully
- Letter of consent to diploma examination
Entry examination
Applicants are required to pass an entry exam in International Business Management (Exam Program 2022) that consists of two parts:
- First part of the exam will be conducted in the form of test with multiple choice questions. The main objective of this part of the exam is to assess the level of knowledge in the field of Management, Economic Theory and Statistics.
- Second part of the exam will be conducted in the form of individual interview with each applicant preceded by the motivation essay which applicants need to upload prior to the interview. The main objective of the interview is to assess applicant's communicative skills, ability to conduct a discussion, ability to express own opinion and provide arguments based on knowledge of contemporary trends in international business.
Applicants with a valid GMAT certificate (with a result of 480 or higher) may be eligible to get a relevant score for the IBM exam in accordance with the conversion table.
Enrollment plan 2022
20 international students and 5 Russian students
Got questions?
Please feel free to contact Ms. Yana Korotkova (IBM Program Coordinator) at yikorotkova@econ.msu.ru