Dear colleaques!
It has become a tradition for Russian and foreign theorists and practitioners of management to take part in annual international conferences on the History of Management Thought and Businesses (HMT), held by the Lomonosov Moscow State University in order to discuss various important issues in Management.
Over the course of time several conferences have been held on the following topics:
- "Development of Management Concepts" (1996),
- "Enterprise Restructuring in Transitional Economy: Theory and Practice" (1998),
- "Government and Business" (2000),
- "Development of Personnel Management” ( 2001),
- "Problems of Measurement in the Management" (2002, 2003),
- "Scientific Managerial Concepts vs. Real Management" (2004, 2005),
- "The Russian Model of Management: Past, Present and Future" (2008),
- "National Models of Management" ( 2009)
- "Business Models: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (2010),
- “Social Responsibility of Business and Management Ethics” (2011),
- “Business and Management Ethics: Comparative Analyses of National Models” (2012).
- “From Stratagems to Strategies, From Strategic Planning to Strategic Thinking and Enlightenment” (2013)
- "Problems of training managers: yesterday-today-tomorrow" (2014)
- “National Models of Training Managers” (2015)
- “Scenario-Based Management and Leaderships” (2016)
- “Scenario-Based Management: origins, problems, solutions” (2017)
- “Managerial work and the role of managers: past, present, future” (2018)
At the last conference in 2018, participants put forward several ideas on the topic of the next conference, but in most cases it was proposed to continue research on the topics of the HMT-2018, expanding the context, and discuss not only changes in managerial work, but also problems of paradigmatic development of management as science and corresponding changes in managerial roles. When discussing the topic of the HMT-2019, it was proposed to continue the study of the consequences and the aftereffects of the emergence, influence and implementation of new technical, informational and other means on the content of managerial labor, on management in general, on managers and on their role in the past , present and in impending scenarios of the changes of society.
That is why the Organizing Committee of the conferences decided to hold the 20th Conference on the History of Management Thought and Business on the topic “Management and the Roles of Managers: yesterday, today, tomorrow”
Such assessments of the emergence and development of managerial thought at the paradigm level have already been discussed at conferences in 1996, 2004 and 2005. Adhering to our formula: “The new is the new combination of the old in the new conditions!”, we urge our colleagues to take part in the HMT-2019 conference not only, and not so much in connection with the Digital Economy, but in the exchange of views on research on the development of management thought in with the advent of new technical, technological, and any other means that manifest themselves as the causes of changes in theorists' views on management and as forms of manifestation of these views in real management.
As in 2018, we are waiting for reports on assessments of the invariance of management attributes (management), as a system, at various levels of management of organizations of specific regions, industries, at different stages of the life cycle of organizations in various specific historical conditions.
For discussion at the HMT-2019 conference, both HMT-2018 questions and new issues are submitted:
- Why and How over the millennia of the existence of management did ideas and views on the management of social objects change today, understood today as “the conscious, meaningful, purposeful, systemic impact of a particular subject on a social object”?
- Is there a finite (or endless) list of reasons predetermining paradigmatic changes in the management of social objects? If Yes, then how does it look today? Is it possible and how to structure it?
- What are the answers to the eternally relevant three questions about the state of the History of Management Thought: Where was the History of Management Thought ? Where is she? Where will she be?
- Is "Management" only a type of human activity in general?
- Existed, exists and will there be such kind of professional labor activity as “Management of social objects”?
- If Yes (and even more, if No, i.e. “Management as a profession is a myth” by Henry Mintzberg), then what was the point in the ancient Prescriptions, Instructions, Ages, Instructions of the rulers of ancient policies, states, empires, modern family companies heirs? What is the point of modern Job descriptions for Managers of any Companies and/or of the Russian National Professional Standards (RNPS, containing from three or more levels of “managers” with prescribed “labor functions”)?
- What did “managers” of different levels, functionals, at different stages of the OLC, different industries and sizes of business? Do and Will do? Why?
- What roles are played, performed and will be performed by managers? Why?
- What competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) for managerial work were needed by managers in antiquity? Wanted in the present? Need in the future? Why?
- Will all levels of managers (more precisely, the content and forms of their activities) be robotized in the era of the fashionable Digital Economy? Why?
- Will new Luddites appear among the modern robotic managers? When? Why? How to deal with the movement of Luddites? What ethical problems will arise in the process of robotization managers? Why?
- How and Who taught and/or trained managers in the Past? Teaches /coaches managers in the Present? Will teach /coach managers in and for the Digital Economy?
- Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU)
- The Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University (FE MSU)
- The Association of graduates of the FE MSU
- Non-commercial partnerships «Life Long Learning Centre» (Russia)
- International Journal «The Problems of Theory and Practice of Management» (Russia)
- Journal of “The Managerial Sciences” (Russia)
HMTB-2019 Organizing Committee (OC):
- Alexander Auzan, Co-Chairman of the OC, Dean of the FE MSU, Professor;
- Vasily Kolesov, Co-Chairman of the OC, President of the FE MSU, Professor;
- Vadim Marshev, Co-Chaiman of the OC, Professor of Management Department, FE MSU
- Alexander Kurdin, Vice-Chairman of the OC, Associate Professor
Members of the OC:
- Professor Oleg Vikhanskiy – Chairman of the Management Department, FE MSU
- Professor Natalia Ivaschenko – vice-dean of the FE MSU
- Vadim Kraskov - vice-dean of the FE MSU
Technical members of the Organizing Committee:
- Ivan Dvoluchansky (FE MSU)
- Svetlana Shchelokova (FE MSU)
- Natalia Rozenberg (FE MSU)
- George Raevsky (FE MSU)
The Conference will be held on June 28-30, 2019 at the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Phones: +7-916-673-54-22, +7-495-9392887, +7-495-9392917
Receiving reports (submissions) and abstracts for publication – before April30, 2019 under mentioned e-addresses.
To participate in the conference need to register!
Venue HMT-2019 is the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Lenin Hills, 1, Building 46), Room P-6.
28 июн. 2019