Вышел в свет третий номер журнала BRICS Journal of Economics - №3 (2021).
Содержание номера:
Andrei Panibratov
Sanctions, cooperation, and innovation: Insights into Russian economy and implications for Russian firms
Elena Sharko
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in Russia and China: The first results of COVID-19 and trends in the post-COVID economy
Deng Junzhi
The development of e-commerce in China during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the textile industry
Amirreza Nikpour, Svetlana Semushkina
Digital shifts in human resource management in the global economy
Afik Gasymov, Svetlana Makarova
Determinants of underpricing initial public offerings (IPOs) of BRICS companies
Аннотации и полнотекстовые версии статей доступны на сайте журнала по ссылке https://www.brics-econ.org/archive/2021.Vol.2.No.3/
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30 сентября 2021